For Authors

Dear Authors!
The Editorial Board of The Lower Volga Archaeological Bulletin admits for publishing only authors’ original manuscripts. Please read the terms of publication and paper submission guidance.
  1. The Lower Volga Archaeological Bulletin publishes only original research contributions.
  2. The submission, reviewing, editing and publication of articles are free.
  3. Those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study should be listed as co-authors. Those whose contribution is insufficient for the recognition of authorship can be listed in the "Acknowledgements", with the indication of the amount of their work.
  4. If there are several authors, all of them must approve of the final paper.
  5. The editors will contact all authors by e-mail.
  6. The article should include aims and objectives, the description of main results and conclusions. Its key elements should be novelty and the potential for stimulating further discussion and research.
  7. The authors warrant to the Journal that the submitted article has not been published or submitted elsewhere.
  8. The author is fully responsible for all information mentioned in the article, such as facts, quotes, statistics, proper names, etc. The author should indicate all cited sources at the end of the article and include all the necessary bibliographic data, in accordance with the requirements.
  9. In case of error or inaccuracy, the author is obliged to urgently notify the Editorial Board members and cooperate with them in order to cancel or correct the article.
  10. The author should indicate all sources of the research funding.
  11. The submitted article should meet all the journal’s formatting requirements.
Since 2020, to comply with the Editorial Board Policy, one author can publish no more than one article a year in The Lower Volga Archaeological Bulletin. In case of co-authorship, no more than two articles from the same author(s) can be published in the same year. Manuscript non-consistent with the requirement will be rejected without review.
We detect plagiarism using the service "Antiplagiat" (JSC "Antiplagiat").
Full-text versions of published articles and their metadata (abstracts, keywords, information about author(s) in Russian and English are available in open access on journal’s official website, in Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU, and in other archives.


The manuscript should be sent by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . A printed version is not required. Submitting a manuscript to the indicated e-mail, authors accept an offer to grant the right to use their Work in the Journal.
Together with the manuscript it is necessary to provide the Obligation for the authors (containing a handwritten signature scanned in color mode) ensuring that the author
  • has not published the given work in whole or in part before its publication in The Lower Volga Archaeological Bulletin;
  • guarantees that the submitted materials are the author’s original work;
  • agrees with the principles set forth in the sections "Publishing Ethics" and "Editorial Policies".
  • In case of co-authorship, the authors are required to declare their specific individual contribution to the article.

The journal’s Editorial Board begins its work on the article after receiving the manuscript and Obligation. All articles received by the journal will be sent for review. The editors have the right to distribute the received works among the journal’s issues and refuse to publish articles that do not meet the requirements. The priority will be given to papers that are of immediate interest and contain an analytical component. The Editorial Board undertakes to notify the author about the acceptance or rejection of the paper within 3 months from the date of submission. The average manuscript acceptance rate is 75%. 

 Ensure that the following items in both Russian and English are present:
 - Authors' full names, place of employment, positions, academic degree, academic rank, full postal address, e-mail address
 - Abstract (200-250 words)
 - 5-8 keywords
 The text of the article is submitted in the author's language in accordance with the requirements for author's originals on paper, electronic media or by e-mail from the author's personal address.
Requirements for copyrighted originals on electronic media:
 - All materials should be in Microsoft Word 2000-2007 format (*.rtf, *.doc.)
 - A manuscript should be typewritten with 1.5 line spacing using Times New Roman and 14 pt font size
 - All margins set to 2cm
 - The file name should display the author's name (for example: Smith.doc)
Text format requirements:
 - Font Times New Roman
 - No manual translation of strings (Symbol ¶ («Enter»)  only at the end)
 - Do not type more than one space between words
 - No word-wrap
Illustration format requirements:
 - Figures and illustrations should be provided in separate files  with the extension *.tif and a resolution of at least 300 dpi. The recommended size of the format is 16x23 cm.
 - The file name must have the author's surname (for example: Smith1.jpg)
 - Figure captions are made in a separate file of * .rtf or * .doc format and should be typed in Russian and English for article in Russian. For article in English figure captions should be only in English. 
 - For formulas, tables, schemes use the standard toolbar of Microsoft Word
 - If you need to insert any complicated formulas, use Microsoft Equation 3.0 included in Microsoft Word
 - One-line formulas with only numbers, letters, single-line indexes, parentheses and action signs, must be typed as text. For example: y2 = 3325 + 0,1937x1 + 0,0425x3 ...
 - Tables must be inserted, not drawn by auto-figures
 - Schemes, diagrams and drawings should not have color highlighting (for black and white print).
 - Text in framework and other figures should be made out as an inscriptions (“Insert” - ”Inscriptions”).
Reference requirements:
Citations in the text should be formatted in square brackets, with the author's surname, year of publication, corresponding pages and figures separated by commas.
For Example, [Fraser, 1890, p. 154]
It is obligatory to submit to the editorial office a list of references in the Cyrillic and Roman alphabets. Ror article in English it should provide a list of reference only in the Roman alphabet.
The reference list in the Roman alphabet should be titled "References" and arranged in alphabetical order. Where applicable, author(s) name(s), year of publication, chapter title/article title, journal title/book title, volume number/book chapter, publishing house and the pagination should be included.
References in the Russian language titled  "Список литературы" should be arranged in alphabetical order. The title of the work should be translated into Russian. The source of the work should be transliterated.
Examples of references to different kinds of publications:
Alekseyeva E.M., 1978. Antichnye busy Severnogo Prichernomor'ya [Ancient Beads of the North Pontic Region]. Moscow, Nauka publ. 105 p.
Volkov I.V., 1992. Keramika Azova XIV–XVIII vv. (Klassifikatsiya i datirovka) [The Pottery from Azov of XIV–XVIII Centuries (Classification and Dating)]. Cand. hist. sci. abs. diss. Moscow. 24 p.
Gorbov V.N., Kolesnik A.V., 2016. Novoe neoliticheskoe poselenie v Mariupole i ego mesto v sisteme sinhronnyh pamyatnikov [New Neolithic Settlement in Mariupol and its Place In the System of Synchronous Monuments]. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 4. Istoriya. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. History. Area Studies. International Relations], vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 21-31. DOI:
Klepikov V.M., 1994. Pogrebeniya pozdneeneoliticheskogo vremeni u hutora Shlyahovskiy v Nizhnem Povolzh'e [Burials of the Late Eneolithic Time Farm Shlahovsky in the Lower Volga Region]. Rossiyskaya arkheologiya [Russian archaeology], no. 3, pp. 97-102.
Kruglov E.V., Klepikov V.M., 1993. Srednevekovye pamyatniki iz Frolovskogo rayona Volgogradskoy oblasti [Medieval Monuments in Frolovsky District of Volgograd Region]. Drevnosti Volgo-Donskikh stepey: sb. nauch. st.
[Antiquities of the Volga-Don Steppes. Collection of Scientific Articles], iss. 6.Volgograd, Volgograd State University, pp. 138-151.
Morgunova N.L., Golyeva A.A., Krayeva L.A., Meshcheryakov D.V., Turetskiy M.A., Khalyapin M.V., Khokhlova O.S., 2003. Shumaevskie kurgany [Shumaevo Kurgans]. Orenburg, Orenburg State Pedagogical University. 392 p.
Skripkin A.S., 1990. Aziatskaya Sarmatiya. Problemy hronologii i eyo istoricheskiy aspekt [Asian Sarmatia. Problems of Chronology and its Historical Aspect]. Saratov, Saratov State University. 299 p.
Shilov V.P., 1958. Otchet o raskopkah Astrahanskoy ekspeditsii v 1958 g. [The Report on the Excavations of the Astrakhan Expedition in 1958]. Arkhiv IA RAN, no. R-1, 26345.
Rotroff S.I., 2006. Hellenistic Pottery: the Plane Wares. The Athenian Agora. Vol. XXXIII. Princeton. 440 p.


Алексеева Е.М., 1978. Античные бусы Северного Причерноморья. М.: Наука. 105 с.
Волков И.В., 1992. Керамика Азова XIV–XVIII вв. (Классификация и датировка). Автореф. дисс. … канд. истор. наук. М. 24 с.
Горбов В.Н., Колесник А.В., 2016. Новое неолитическое поселение в Мариуполе и его место в системе синхронных памятников // Вестник Волгоградского государственного университета. Серия 4, История. Регионоведение. Международные отношения. Т. 21. № 4. С. 16-31. DOI:
Клепиков В.М., 1994. Погребения позднеэнеолитического времени у хутора Шляховский в Нижнем Поволжье // Российская археология. № 3. С. 97-102.
Круглов Е.В., Клепиков В.М., 1993. Средневековые памятники из Фроловского района Волгоградской области // Древности Волго-Донских степей: сб. науч. ст. Вып. 6. Волгоград: Изд-во ВолГУ. С. 138-151.
Моргунова Н.Л., Гольева А.А., Краева Л.А., Мещеряков Д.В., Турецкий М.А., Халяпин М.В., Хохлова О.С., 2003. Шумаевские курганы. Оренбург: Изд-во ОГПУ. 392 с.
Скрипкин А.С., 1990. Азиатская Сарматия. Проблемы хронологии и её исторический аспект. Саратов: Изд-во Сарат. ун-та. 299 с.
Шилов В.П.Ю, 1958. Отчет о раскопках Астраханской экспедиции в 1958г. // Архив ИА РАН. № Р-1. 26345.
Rotroff S.I., 2006. Hellenistic pottery: the plane wares // The Athenian Agora. Vol. XXXIII. Princeton. 440 p.
Use of DOI is highly encouraged. 
Reference lists in English and Russian should be identical.
When referring to periodicals and recurrent editions that have an official foreign title, the authors should use this title in “References”. 

Download this file (Example_2019.pdf) Example_2019.pdf
Download this file (Obyazatel'stvo_dlya_avtorov+Vklad_(Blank).doc) Obligation
Download this file (Publichnaya_Oferta.doc) Public Offer
Download this file (Список_литературы-Reference_2020.doc) Examples of references