Aims & Scope

Mission of the Journal
The Lower Volga Archaeological Bulletin provides overviews and up-to-date information on all aspects of historical science by publishing the latest achievements in the theory and practice of archaeology of the Eurasian steppes and adjacent territories.
In ancient and medieval times, the Eurasian steppes were a vast contact zone connecting the centers of Eastern and Western civilizations, the forest-steppe area, the territories of Western and Central Asia, and the Middle East. Ancient and medieval populations of the Eurasian steppe belt were characterized by high mobility and numerous cross-cultural contacts. That is why events taking place in one part of Eurasia often caused changes in others. Migration processes in the Eurasian steppes played a significant role in generating cultural formations not only in thesteppe biome, but also in adjacent sedentary agricultural territories. Covering a wide range of subjects, the Journal uses a complex approach to study ethno-historical, evolutionary and migration processes in the vast areas of the steppe zone and adjacent territories in ancient and medieval times.
Aims of the Journal
The Lower Volga Archaeological Bulletin aims:
  • to discuss topical theoretical foundations and practical issues of archaeology of the Eurasian steppes and neighboring territories,
  • to increase public interest in natural science achievements in reconstructing historical and cultural processes,
  • to inform the scientific community on the latest achievements in archaeological practice and theory.
Editorial Policies
The Lower Volga Archaeological Bulletin contributes to disseminating historical knowledge and enables prompt exchange of the latest developments among Russian and international researchers specializing in archaeology of the Eurasian steppes and the nearby areas. Archaeological research in this territory remains a valuable source of the reconstruction of many historical processes and a key factor to understanding modern integration trends in the Eurasian region.
The Lower Volga Archaeological Bulletin welcomes multidisciplinary research in archaeology, anthropology, paleoecology, and other scientific fields.
To ensure the high quality of the published materials, an international team of leading experts in various disciplines, fields and historical periods provide their reviews. We publish field studies only if the article contains in-depth analysis of the materials.
Objectives of the Journal
The Lower Volga Archaeological Bulletin sees its objectives as:
  • to publish new and archival materials at the modern methodological level,
  • to promptly disseminate research results,
  • to develop scientific contacts between experts in archaeology and natural sciences,
  • to review the past and announce the upcoming scientific events in archaeology and interdisciplinary research,
  • to publish scientific reviews of works written by Russian and foreign researchers,
  • to maintain high standards of scientific publications, to broaden the information space and target audience of the journal,
  • to promote interest of young people in archaeology and in the process of historical and archaeological research.