Kiyashko Ya.A. Ground Burials in the Territory of the Volga-Don Interfluve in the Early Middle Ages

Yakov A. Kiyashko, Postgraduate Student, Department of Archaeology, Foreign History and Tourism, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. The article is devoted to the burial monuments in the territory of the Volga-Don interfluve in the early Middle Ages. This region was under the political control of Khazar Khaganate from the middle of the 7th century to the second half of the 10th century and people, who lived there, had different social, religious and ethnic features. The discussion about the boundaries extension of the sites of Saltovo-Mayaki culture and, consequently, about Khazar Khaganate has been recently resumed among the scientists. This problem has a particular importance for the territory of the Volga-Don interfluves, as it was the private domain of the Khazar tsar according to the written sources. The main aim of this article is review of burials, which are distinguished among other burial monuments by the lack of the ground mound above the buried. There are eleven known places where ground burials were found. As a result of analysis, it was possible to find out that each of the objects was presented by a small number of burials. Almost all burials are dated back to the 7th –10th centuries. At the same time, they have serious differences which make the ethnic explanation much more difficult. The analysis of the ground burial near the village of Verkhnyaya Buzinovka took a special place in this research. The main peculiarity of these burials is a special structure of a burial chamber. The review of ground burials will allow updating the task of the comprehensive study of early medieval sites in the territory of the Volga-Don interfluve.
Key words: archaeological excavations, burial monuments, ground burials, Saltovo-Mayaki culture, Khazar Khaganate, Volga-Don interfluve.
Citation. Kiyashko Ya.A., 2017. Ground Burials in the Territory of the Volga-Don Interfluve in the Early Middle Ages. The Lower Volga Archaeological Bulletin, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 50-66. (in Russian). DOI: 
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Ground Burials in the Territory of the Volga-Don Interfluve in the Early Middle Ages by Kiyashko Ya.A. is licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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