Kharinskii A.V., Orgilbayar S., Korostelev A.M., Erdenebaatar D., Portniagin M.A. Zuun Hyaryn Denj 1 Burial Ground of the 11th – 13th Centuries from the Northern Shore of Lake Khubsugul (Mongolia)

Artur V. Kharinskii, Doctor of Science (History), Professor, Department of History and Philosophy, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Lermontova St, 83, 664074 Irkutsk, Russian Federation; Irkutsk State University, Karla Marksa St, 1, 664003 Irkutsk, Russian Federation
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Orgilbayar Samdantsoodol, Master of Historical Sciences, Lecturer, Department of History and Archaeology, Ulaanbaatar State University, 13343 Bayanzurkh St, 5th khoroo, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
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Aleksei M. Korostelev, Senior Lecturer, Department of History and Philosophy, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Lermontova St, 83, 664074 Irkutsk, Russian Federation
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Dimaadjav Erdenebaatar, Professor, Head of the Department of the Archaeology, Ulaanbaatar State University,13343 Bayanzurkh St, 5th khoroo, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
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Matvei A. Portniagin, Laboratory Assistant Researcher, Laboratory of Archaeology, Paleoecology and Subsistence of Peoples of the Northern Asia, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Lermontova St, 83, 664074 Irkutsk, Russian Federation
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Abstract. The article presents the results of a study of three burials of the Zuun hyaryn denzh 1 burial ground. It is located in Mongolia, on the northern shore of Lake Khubsugul, in the northeastern part of the village of Turt. The burial materials allow us to outline some stages of the cultural and chronological scheme of the history of the coast of Lake Khubsugul. When creating it, the features of the grave structure, the position of the deceased and the accompanying inventory were taken into account, which correlated with a certain time period. The materials of complexes 1, 2 and 9, the last of which was destroyed in ancient times, are considered. Information is given about the funerary structures, the position of the human skeleton, accompanying inventory and animal bones in them. Radiocarbon dates were obtained for two undisturbed burials. Mid-11th – mid-12th centuries is the construction time of complex 1, whereas late 12th – mid-13th is construction period of complex 2 which are the pre-imperial and the beginning of the imperial period of the history of Mongolia. It should be noted that these burials represent two funeral traditions, replacing one another. They are characterized by the location of the deceased elongated, on their backs in grave pits, which were overlapped from above with flat round-shaped masonry. Fragments of wooden boards and birch bark were found under and above the bones. Together with the deceased, parts of the carcass of a ram were placed in the grave. Most often it was the shin and loin of an animal. In complex 1, an iron arrowhead and a weapon tip with a shaft “palma” were found; in complex 2, iron stirrups, a quiver hook, a buckle, and a birch bark tuesok were found. It is concluded that in earlier burials, the deceased are oriented with their heads to the north and northeast, in later ones – to the northwest.
Key words: northern coast of Lake Khubsugul, pre-imperial period of Mongolia, funeral ritual, accompanying inventory, ram bones.
Citation. Kharinskii A.V., Orgilbayar Samdantsoodol, Korostelev A.M., Dimaadjav Erdenebaatar, Portniagin M.A., 2023. Mogil’nik Zuun Hyaryn Denzh 1 na severnom poberezh’e ozera Hubsugul (Mongoliya) [Zuun Hyaryn Denj 1 Burial Ground of the 11th – 13th Centuries from the Northern Shore of Lake Khubsugul (Mongolia)]. Nizhnevolzhskiy Arkheologicheskiy Vestnik [The Lower Volga Archaeological Bulletin], vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 289-307. DOI:
Zuun Hyaryn Denj 1 Burial Ground of the 11th – 13th Centuries from the Northern Shore of Lake Khubsugul (Mongolia) by Kharinskii A.V., Orgilbayar Samdantsoodol, Korostelev A.M., Dimaadjav Erdenebaatar, Portniagin M.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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