Grinenko L.O. Boris Farmakovsky in the Memoir of Lavrentiy Moiseev His Disciple and Friend

Lyudmila O. Grinenko, Sevastopol State University, Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Digital Technologies in Historical and Archaeological Research, Universitetskaya St, 33, 299053 Sevastopol, Russian Federation
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Abstract. 2023 will mark 95 years since the death of Boris Vladimirovich Farmakovsky (1870–1928), an outstanding scholar, researcher of ancient Olbia, art historian and a scientific leader, who did much for the development of archaeology in Russia, for its continuity in the era of change of political system. Archaeologist Lavrentiy A. Moiseev, who was one of B. V. Farmakovsky’s disciples (1882–1946) and the director of the Chersonesos museum, wrote a text in December 1919 that remained unpublished. It is devoted to the 25th anniversary of Boris Vladimirovich’s scholarly activity and is not only an example of an anniversary celebration genre commonly recognised in academic life, not only a document of the epoch reflecting the time when it was composed – “separation of the Crimea and Petrograd” period – but also a fragment of memoirs about the university life and the atmosphere in S.-Petersburg of the early 20th century. The proposed article is devoted to the publication of this text, and also concerns the relationship between the two scholars in the period of the Russian Civil War.
Key words: B.V. Farmakovskу, L.A. Moiseev, St. Petersburg University, Сhersonesos Museum, history of archeology.
Citation. Grinenko L.O., 2022. B.V. Farmakovskiy v pamyati uchenika i druga – L.A. Moiseeva [Boris Farmakovsky in the Memoir of Lavrentiy Moiseev His Disciple and Friend]. Nizhnevolzhskiy Arkheologicheskiy Vestnik [The Lower Volga Archaeological Bulletin], vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 300-309. DOI:
Boris Farmakovsky in the Memoir of Lavrentiy Moiseev His Disciple and Friend by Grinenko L.O. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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