Nikolaev S.Yu. Three Sarmatian Daggers from the Foot of Toratau Mount

Sergey Yu. Nikolaev, Junior Researcher, Department of Archaeological Research, Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Prosp. Oktyabrya, 71, 450054 Ufa, Russian Federation
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Abstract. Three Sarmatian daggers found during plowing a field at the foot of Toratau Mount in the Southern Urals are published. Their detailed description is given. It is stated that two daggers bear the signs of the early Sarmatian type of bladed weapons. They date back to the 3rd–2nd centuries BC, their discovery confirms the fact of active resettlement by the Sarmatians of the right bank of the Belaya River at this time. The third dagger bears a number of archaic features, has close analogies among random finds in the Prokhorov cemetery and on the left bank of the Belaya River. It dates back to the 4th–3rd centuries BC. It is noted that the left bank of the Belaya River is the main territory of settlement of early nomads in the Southern Urals. The description of the topography of the daggers found in the site is given. It is shown that according to its physical and geographical characteristics, this territory is a closed valley, bounded on all sides by the river, the Turatau and Kushtau Mountains, and gentle ridges running along the Belaya River. It is concluded that in this case, the “valley” version of the settlement of early nomads was implemented, as well as that the settlement of the right bank of the Belaya River occurred, apparently, from its left bank. This territory was a natural periphery of the settlement of nomads in the Southern Urals in the second half-end of the 1st millennium BC.
Key words: Southern Urals, right bank of the Belaya River, Toratau Mountain, early nomads, Scythian-Sarmatian time, Prokhorov culture, stray finds, daggers, resettlement system.
Citation. Nikolaev S.Yu., 2021. Tri sarmatskih kinzhala s podnozhiya gory Toratau [Three Sarmatian Daggers from the Foot of Toratau Mount]. Nizhnevolzhskiy Arkheologicheskiy Vestnik [The Lower Volga Archaeological Bulletin], vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 204-213. DOI:
Three Sarmatian Daggers from the Foot of Toratau Mount by Nikolaev S.Yu. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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