Lysenko S.S. Scythian Bracelets and Rings with Protrusions from the Cemetery Near Glinoe Village

Svetlana S. Lysenko, Candidate of Sciences (History), Researcher, Department of the Chalcolithic and the Bronze age, Institute of Archaeology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, prosp. Geroev Stalingrada, 12, 04210 Kiev, Ukraine
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Abstract. The article examines bracelets and rings of the La-Tene style from Scythian burials of the cemetery near the Glinoe village, Slobozeya district, on the left bank of the Dniester. Bracelets were found in three burials belonging to different kurgan groups (Glinoe-“Sad”, kurgan 8, burial 5; Glinoe-“Vodovod”, kurgan 16, burial 6; Glinoe, kurgan 71, burial 1). Single rings with protrusions were found in two burials (Glinoe-“Sad”, kurgan 8, burial 2; Glinoe-“Vodovod”, kurgan 7, burial 2). Two chains of double rings and one chain of the triple rings of the La Tene style comes from burial 3 of kurgan 14 of the Glinoe-“Vodovod” cemetery. The author considers the typological attribution of these objects according to existing classification, concerns the issue of their manufacturing and dating, as well as the nature of using. Bracelets with protrusions in the form of rosettes of two, three and four ledges from the Glinoe cemetery were likely produced by lost-wax casting. Taking in account the small number of such bracelets found in the North Black Sea region, it is still difficult to draw an unambiguous conclusion about their local production. All researchers agree on the dating of such bracelets in the second half of the 4th – the beginning of the 3rd centuries BC. The purpose of the items analyzed appears obvious. They were worn by women and children. The dating of rings with single, double and triple protrusions almost matches the dating of bracelets of the same type. They were common in the 4th – the beginning of 3rd centuries BC. There is data allowing to consider those bracelets have been used in complex necklaces.
Key words: Lower Dniester region, Scythian culture, adornments of the La-Ten style, bracelets, rings.
Citation. Lysenko S.S., 2021. Skifskie braslety i kol’tsa s vystupami iz mogil’nika u sela Glinoe [Scythian Bracelets and Rings with Protrusions from the Cemetery Near Glinoe Village]. Nizhnevolzhskiy Arkheologicheskiy Vestnik [The Lower Volga Archaeological Bulletin], vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 69-81. DOI:
Scythian Bracelets and Rings with Protrusions from the Cemetery Near Glinoe Village by Lysenko S.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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