Nechvaloda A.I. Craniological Materials of the Late Bronze Age from the Berezovsky V Kurgan Cemetery in the Trans Urals

Аleksey I. Nechvaloda, Researcher of Department of Ethnology, Institute of History, Language and Literature, Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Prosp. Oktyabrya, 71, 450054 Ufa, Russian Federation
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Abstract. This paper is dedicated to discussion of craniological materials obtained from Berezovsky 5 burial mound in the southern Trans-Urals during archaeological excavations in 1994. The mound necropolis dates back to the Late Bronze Age (14th to 13th сс. BC) and relates to the Kozhumberdy stage in the Alakul development line of the Andronovo cultural community. Three researched skulls, two of them male and one female, originate from mound 6 of this burial site. The dental system of a young woman has undergone severe wear as a result of work activity. The craniological research of the female skull using Heincke formula made it possible to tentatively judge about its morphological affinity to skulls from the Laimberdy burial site and a combined skull set of the Akakul culture from the Trans-Urals. Basing on the female skull we have performed a graphic reconstruction of her appearance full face. The female skull shows some Mongoloid traits. Two male skulls failed to preserve their facial skeletons, except for braincases. The indicators of facial skeleton flattening at the orbital level can also testify to the presence of the Mongoloid component in their craniological type.
Key words: Late bronze, Alakul culture, combatancy type, anthropology, graphic the face of the skull, craniology, the Geynke formula.
Citation. Nechvaloda A.I., 2020. Craniological Materials of the Late Bronze Age from the Berezovsky V Kurgan Cemetery in the Trans Urals. The Lower Volga Archaeological Bulletin, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 254-267. (in Russian). DOI:
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Craniological Materials of the Late Bronze Age from the Berezovsky V Kurgan Cemetery in the Trans Urals by Nechvaloda A.I. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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