Mastykova A.V. About Bracelets with Zoomorphic Ends from Dzhurga-Oba Necropolis in the Eastern Crimea (Great Migration Period)

Anna V. Mastykova, Doctor of Sciences (History), Leading Researcher, Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dm. Ulyanova St., 19, 117292 Moscow, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,

Abstract. The paper considers burial 40 of Dzhurga Oba necropolis in the Eastern Crimea. Two bracelets, elements of a prestigious female costume of the second half of the 5th century and weapons (sword elements) were found in the catacomb. It is possible that there were two inhumations – male and female ones. Two bronze gilded bracelets from this burial have gold zoomorphic endings in the form of heads, usually interpreted as dragons, and a hinged lock in the form of a disk. The origins of this type of bracelets should be sought in the traditions of Mediterranean jewelry art. Bracelets with a lock in the form of a plate on hinges appeared in the Mediterranean in the 2nd – 3rd centuries and existed until the 7th century (inclusive). It should be noted that there is a noticeable Byzantine / Mediterranean component in the female costume from Dzhurga Oba, which is represented primarily by the cloisonne inlay style jewelry – earrings, rings, bracelets. At the same time, the presence of a pair of brooches from the East German tradition indicates the mixed character of the female prestigious costume from Dzhurga-Oba, which is typical for the Cimmerian Bosporus of the Great Migration Period.
Key words: bracelets, Crimea, Dzhurga-Oba, Great Migration Period, Mediterranean tradition.
Citation. Mastykova A.V., 2019. About Bracelets with Zoomorphic Ends from Dzhurga-Oba Necropolis in the Eastern Crimea (Great Migration Period). The Lower Volga Archaeological Bulletin, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 169-180. (in Russian). DOI:
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