Kruglov E.V. The Formation of the Source Base of Sokolovskaya Balka Type Monuments. Shilov V.P.: the Ordynsky Bugor Burial Mound

Evgeniy V. Kruglov, Secretary, Volgograd Regional Department of All-Russian Community for Nature and Culture Monuments Protection
Kaleganova St., 9, office 107, 400081 Volgograd, Russian Federation,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Abstract. The paper is dedicated to the publication of materials on two barrows with two Khazar-era burials from the Ordynsky bugor burial mound. The archaeological site was located in the Chernoyarsky district of the Astrakhan region and was investigated by the Astrakhan archaeological mission of the Leningrad Department of the Institute of Archaeology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1963. The mission was headed by Cand. Sc. (History) Valentin Pavlovich Shilov, and the scientific report on the investigation was written by Liya Yakovlevna Malovitskaya. The paper analyzes the grave goods from the burials: harness elements (stirrups), moulded vessels of the nomadic type, a compound bow. The most outstanding find is represented with the golden Arab dinar of al-Mansur dated by 143 (760/761 AD). Aleksey Andreevich Bykov, a numismatist and Orientalist, discovered that the dinar had a graffito on it, which was of particular importance. The author suggested a numismatic description of this coin. New photographs allowed to correct discrepancies of previous tracings of graffito on its surface and gave an opportunity to abandon its authentication as a runic character. The funeral rite helped to link the above-mentioned burials to burials of the Sokolovskaya balka type. The Ordynsky bugor burial mound is one of the very first burials of this type that were investigated. V.P. Shilov was the first to point out in a broadcast of A.A. Bykov that Sokolovskaya type burials contained remains of people of Turkic-Khazar origin. We suggest our own description for burials of this type and grounds for their cultural and chronological status. Turkic-Khazar ethnic authentication of antiquities of the Sokolovskaya type does not have any alternatives by now. The more difficult problem is the archaeological-cultural authentication of the above-mentioned monuments. Different chronology and asynchrony of monuments of the Sokolovskaya type (mid 7th – early 9th cc.) and of the Saltovo-Mayatsk culture (2nd half of the 8th – 1st half of the 10th cc.) is an objective reality.
Key words: abbasid golden dinar, Khazar era, Khazars, burials of the Sokolovskaya balka type, the Saltovo-Mayatsk culture, Ordynsky bugor burial mound, Astrakhan archaeological mission, V.P. Shilov.
Citation. Kruglov E.V., 2018. The Formation of the Source Base of Sokolovskaya Balka Type Monuments. Shilov V.P.: the Ordynsky Bugor Burial Mound. The Lower Volga Archaelogical Bulltin, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 144-159. (in Russian). DOI:
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The Formation of the Source Base of Sokolovskaya Balka Type Monuments. Shilov V.P.: the Ordynsky Bugor Burial Mound by Kruglov E.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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