Zubov S.E., Bukina O.V., Rafikova K.V. Models of Archaeological Heritage Virtual Exhibiting on the Internet

Sergey E. Zubov, Candidate of Sciences (History), Leading Researcher, Research Laboratory of Archeology, Samara National Research University, Akademik Pavlov St, 1, 443011 Samara, Russian Federation
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Olga V. Bukina, Candidate of Sciences (History), Researcher, Research Laboratory of Archeology, Samara National Research University, Akademik Pavlov St, 1, 443011 Samara, Russian Federation
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Katerina V. Rafikova, Candidate of Sciences (Cultural Studies), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies, Samara National Research University, Akademik Pavlov St, 1, 443011 Samara, Russian Federation
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Abstract. This article deals with the issues of virtual exhibiting of archaeological sites and artifacts on the internet. Particular importance is placed on systemization of virtually visual practices applied to demonstrate and interpret cultural heritage using open information resources of scientific institutions, higher educational establishments and archaeological museums on Russia’s Internet. Emphasis is put on archaeological heritage virtual exhibiting used both purely for research within scientific circles and for purposes of popularization of science. As a result of the study, three main models of virtual archaeological expositions are specified: collection, environmental and thematic. The basis of the Collection Model is digital documenting and exhibiting of movable archaeological heritage. The Environmental Model is realized as virtual tour and designed to simulate environments of immovable archaeological sites and to experience the effect of immersive virtual reality. The Thematic Model suggests that the subject context predominates over archaeological artifacts. The Collection Model is mainly intended for scientific community and academia while environmental and thematic models are designed for general audience. Main development trend of the virtual archaeological exposition is integration of different technologies, enhancement of immersiveness and interactivity. It is considered by the authors to be practical approach to implement the project of Samara University virtual museum of Archaeology and to conduct thematic exhibitions on the basis of the museum.
Key words: digital technologies, virtual museum of archaeology, virtual archaeological exposition, virtual exhibit model, 3D model, hypertextuality, immersiveness.
Citation. Zubov S.E., Bukina O.V., Rafikova K.V., 2022. Modeli virtual’nogo eksponirovaniya arheologicheskogo naslediya v seti Internet [Models of Archaeological Heritage Virtual Exhibiting on the Internet]. Nizhnevolzhskiy Arkheologicheskiy Vestnik [The Lower Volga Archaeological Bulletin], vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 244-254. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/nav.jvolsu.2022.1.12
Models of Archaeological Heritage Virtual Exhibiting on the Internet by Zubov S.E., Bukina O.V., Rafikova K.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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