Dyakova O.V. Poltsevskaya Cultures of Primorye in the Context of Ethnocultural Indicators

Olga V. Dyakova, Doctor of Sciences (History), Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Archeology of the Amur Region, Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnology of the Peoples of the Far East, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Pushkinskaya St, 89, 690001 Vladivostok, Russian Federation
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Abstract. The spreading area of monuments of the Poltsevskaya culture of the Far East is extensive. In Russia, they are located across the territories of the Amur region and of Primorye, in China they spread throughout Manchuria. The time of the functioning of culture falls on a difficult historical period of transition from antiquity to the Middle Ages, including the era of the great migration of peoples. The degree of study of the Poltsevskaya culture varies across territories. In the Amur region, the dynamics of the development of the Poltsevskaya culture was revealed: Zheltyy Yar (7th–6th century BC); Poltsevskaya (6th–2nd–1st centuries BC); Kukelevsky (1st–4th centuries AD), the contact of the Poltsevskaya culture with medieval Tungus-Manchus people (carriers of the Mohe culture) was traced, two locally-chronological groups of monuments Blagoslaveninskaya and Naifeldskaya with Poltsevo-Mohe traditions were identified (4th–9th centuries AD). In China, three of its varieties were distinguished. In Primorye, the study of culture is controversial, which is manifested in the variety of cultural names including those of Suyfunskaya, Olginskaya, Poltsevskaya, Smolninskaya and Nikolaevskaya. All the cultural communities claim to be independent. However, the identified cultural indicators on the single-layer monuments of Primorye: Monakino 4, Wrangel 3, Mikhailovskoye settlement as evidence for a common Poltsevskaya culture or identity developing in time and space. The Poltsevskaya culture traditions are preserved in the material culture of the Far Eastern Paleoasiates (Nivkhs people) up to the present.
Key words: Primorye, Poltsevskaya culture, Smolninskaya culture, Olginskaya culture, Nikolaevskaya culture, stratigraphy, ceramics.
Citation. Dyakova O.V., 2023. Kul’tury pol’tsevskogo kruga Primor’ya v kontekste etnokul’turnyh indikatorov [Poltsevskaya Cultures of Primorye in the Context of Ethnocultural Indicators]. Nizhnevolzhskiy Arkheologicheskiy Vestnik [The Lower Volga Archaeological Bulletin], vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 114-127. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/nav.jvolsu.2023.1.8
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