Evglevskiy A.V., Kruglov E.V. Statues and Large Earthenware Pot from Barrow Mound near Kremenskaya Village on Lower Don: on Concluding Stage of Making of Polovtsian Sculptures (II)

Aleksandr V. Evglevskiy, Senior Researcher, Archaeological Research Group of the Faculty of History, Donetsk National University
Universitetskaya St., 24, 83001 Donetsk,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Evgeniy V. Kruglov, Secretary of Volgograd Regional Department of All-Russian Community for Nature and Culture Monuments Protection
Kaleganova St., 9, office 107, 400081 Volgograd, Russian Federation,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Abstract. The monument is located on a low terrace above the flood plain on the right bank of the Don river and is a part of a group of barrows near the Kremenskaya village. Barrow 1 was mounded at the top of a natural 40 m high hill being over 100 m in diameter. A complex, which consisted of two stone statues and a vessel (a large earthenware pot), was an intricate stratigraphic composition of artifacts, defined by the head of excavation V.P. Shilov as single burial 2. In fact, there were two separate pits for the Polovtsian statues and for the large earthenware pot –a vessel which can be most likely dated back to the Golden Horde time. At the same time, both the critical analysis of the stratigraphy of the monument and the similarities considered enabled the authors to assume ceremonial interrelation of the statues and the large earthenware pot. Therefore, there are grounds to believe that religious monuments of the Turkic-speaking nomads of Southeastern Europe, as well as some types of statues, continued to exist in the Golden Horde time.
Key words: Polovtsian sanctuary (religious complex), late Polovtsian statues, large earthenware pot, Polovtsian steppe, Polovtsian time, epoch of the Golden Horde.
Citation. Evglevskiy A.V., Kruglov E.V., 2016. Statues and Large Earthenware Pot from Barrow Mound near Kremenskaya Village on Lower Don: on Concluding Stage of Making of Polovtsian Sculptures (II). The Lower Volga Archaeological Bulletin, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 40-71. (in Russian). DOI: http://doi.org/10.15688/nav.jvolsu.2016.1.3
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Statues and Large Earthenware Pot from Barrow Mound near Kremenskaya Village on Lower Don: on Concluding Stage of Making of Polovtsian Sculptures (II) by  Evglevskiy A.V., Kruglov E.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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